

ChatGPT has been conquering the headlines (and writing them) for the most part of this year, with a stringent divide between those who are ready to fully embrace the AI-based assistant and those thinking more cautiously long-term of the consequences that a society dependant on a machine giving structure to our thoughts could pose. 

At the start of 2023, tech and innovation expert Richard Marshall discussed at our 技术趋势 events how Artificial Intelligence, and Generative AI in particular, would be a key topic this year.

Moreover, Generative AI will likely be a core architectural component to technology in the future. 

他强调了, 然而, the risks that currently remain surrounding AI, 比如偏见, 深度造假和缺乏可审计性. 关于亲自测试ChatGPT, it is clear that it believes whatever you tell it and thus can’t be relied upon for accurate and unfabricated answers; something Gartner refers to in its 文章指出了ChatGPT的六个风险 评估. Others include possible violation of copyright or IP protections, 网络欺诈风险, such as tricking the application into writing malware codes. 

然而 福布斯上的一篇文章 in April listed the pros of ChatGPT for customer experience, implemented as a chatbot on company websites. The article quoted that 80% of consumers find interacting with a chatbot makes them more frustrated, usually unable to get the answers they need.  

ChatGPT has the potential to transform this. 

Its AI technology is different from others, having been designed specifically for conversational interactions and tested on human trainers. 因此它能理解自然语言, 它会随着使用而学习和改进, and t在这里 are numerous applications for it. 

And while t在这里’s a lot of fearmongering around whether students will ever actually write their own pieces of work again while they have ChatGPT at their fingertips to hammer out essays for them in a fraction of the time, a 《博天堂入口》杂志的评论文章 proposed why it shouldn’t be banned in schools. 

他们现在的论点是, 更甚于以往, young people should understand ‘how to navigate a world w在这里 AI is woven into everyday life’. The next generation needs to understand how best to utilise it, 它的缺点是什么?, how to interrogate it and how to use it in an ethical way. They may also be part of the future of improving it, such as coming up with ways to reduce bias and how to detect that ChatGPT has been used in a piece of text. 

T在这里’s no doubt that this is the future, so what do Scottish businesses think? 

ScotlandIS member and recruitment expert, Hays, recently 发表了一项调查 indicating that 57% of employers in Scotland and 56% of workers believe that AI in the workplace will bring positive impacts and should be embraced rather than feared. A third of employers in Scotland remain undecided and many are already utilising AI tools at work, particularly in marketing (37%) and technology (30%) companies. 

It’s clear that while t在这里 are certain pitfalls associated with AI and ChatGPT, the key challenges are lack of understanding, 法规和技能. 随着时间的推移, if we work on tackling these obstacles and learn how to manage these risks, usage will continue to become more and more widespread. 

One of our more novel sessions at our ScotSoft conference this year is a Live Chat with ChatGPT – has this ever been done before? 有趣的乔丹·施罗德, 管理屏障网络的首席信息安全官, is taking on the conversational agent in a ‘Fireside Chat’, something which delegates at the leading tech conference won’t want to miss. 

可能会出错. 但它也可能非常有见地.  

Either way, it will make for highly interesting viewing. 在他目前的职位上, Jordan is responsible for overseeing governance, risk and compliance in multiple facets of cyber安全 and, 像这样, will also take a deep dive into what has been discussed in this blog: drawing on his extensive experience and unique insights to provide a fresh perspective on ChatGPT, 它对社会的影响, 安全, 以及监管的潜在需求. Whether you are an experienced professional or new to the field, Jordan’s talk promises to offer valuable takeaways. 

If you haven’t got your tickets for ScotSoft on 28th September in Edinburgh, you can book them now 在这里. 

If you want to stay ahead of the curve on ChatGPT, or considered implementing AI tools in your organisation and want to find out more, make sure you join Jordan’s talk at ScotSoft 2023. 
